Just Sayin'
Embrace the habit of hugs
Thursday is National Hugging Day. It’s a perfect time to celebrate the deed of opening our arms in acceptance. While it may seem silly, yes, there is an internationally recognized day of observation. Surprisingly, those mere seconds of simple embrace have legitimate health benefits.
Why do I say this? Well--- I suddenly found myself in a relationship with a hugger. And before you judge me for being too mushy, know that hugs also have scientific benefits. Neurologist Shekar Raman, MD, said in the Huffington Post "A hug, pat on the back, and even a friendly handshake are processed by the reward center in the central nervous system, which is why they can have a powerful impact on the human psyche, making us feel happiness and joy.
Full Disclosure: I was not the “huggy” type and had been somewhat perturbed by the people who insist on entering my personal space without permission or consent -- well, that and a breathing problem that was aggravated by certain fragrances.I’ve taught others (especially younger women) the subtle skill of avoiding creepy hugs at functions ranging from business meetings to family gatherings. Behind the scenes, friends giggled at my convoluted maneuvers designed to avoid unsolicited hugs. As a side note, announcements such as "Get over here, I'm a hugger," or "You can hug me, I will not bite" do not ease the angst of non-hugger types. Some of my best tricks include a stiff-armed hug, aversion handshake and a hugless high-five. Hug-enthusiasts in my circle have called me out for such antics.
I commend the hugger in my life for his determination. He began by soliciting lots of hugs (because he needed them), but then I found myself needing them more and more. At least one friend declared that I’ve “gone soft,” and I tend to agree. Consider me a recent convert to what my beau and I jokingly call the “Hug Life.” I'm not out hugging everyone, just yet, but I am certainly embracing the benefits at home.
Hug skeptics needing more empirical evidence should check out the "Meanings of Hugging: From greeting behavior to touching implications" by Sweden’s Lena M. Forsell and Jan A. Åström in Comprehensive Psychology who write, “The aim and focus of this article is to present some circumstances under which hugging occurs, as well as to describe its development from a focus on greeting behavior to therapeutic effects, reflected in emotional, physiological, and biochemical alterations.”
Who is your hug dealer?
I've been practicing the one arm polite pat and the full bear hug in preparation for the National Hugging Day festivities. So go ahead huggers out there and spread the sweet love! It is your official day to hug it out. I promise not to resort to any of my old aversion tactics, but may I still suggest asking first? |